Submit a Proposal

The committee reviews all new courses, major and minor revisions to courses, new degree programs, and major revisions to programs, as well as policies. Faculty needing to obtain EPCC approval for a course, program, or policy must complete the appropriate forms and submit them in time for the next committee meeting.

Steps for Submitting a New or Modified Program or Course

  1. Complete the required forms.
  2. Review application and draft syllabus with your department’s EPCC representative.
  3. Submit completed forms and any other required attachments via email to at a minimum of one week before the next EPCC meeting to allow time for review and to address questions or concerns. 
  4. Present the proposal to the EPCC. The EPCC staff liaison will schedule a presentation for an upcoming EPCC meeting. A faculty member planning to teach or sponsor the course must present in person.
  5. After EPCC approval, all paperwork for new/modified courses must be submitted to the Office of Student Affairs in advance of applicable deadlines.

Contact with any questions prior to submissions.

Maximize Required Documents for EPCC application submissions
