
Move your Panopto videos from semester to semester in Canvas

To move Panopto videos to a new Canvas course, the first thing you will need to do is enable the Panopto page in your Canvas course. To do so, you will need to be logged into your new course. First, select Settings from the bottom of the menu on the left. Then, click over to the Navigation tab (at the top of the Settings page) and find the Panopto Video page from the list of page options. Once you have located Panopto Video, click on the three dots at the right side of the Panopto button and select +Enable. You will then need to scroll to the bottom of the page to save your changes. You should see Panopto Video appear in the menu on the left. 

To move recordings, first go to your old course and click on the Panopto Video option. You should be able to see the videos from your previous term. Click on the arrow in the upper right to open the Panopto website in a new tab. Select the checkbox for the recordings that you wish to move and select the Move button. You might have to scroll to the top of the page to locate this button. A popup window will appear and the top of it will read "Move session(s) to." Select the folder for your new class (this should be under the Canvas Courses folder>University of Pittsburgh>...) and click the blue Move button that appears on the top right of the popup.

Finally, confirm that you are done!


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