
BCHS's Ron Stall named a 2017 chancellor award winner for research

UNIVERSITY TIMES - Ronald D. Stall  was selected for this award in recognition of his “pioneering efforts in the field of HIV prevention and LGBT health,” the award letter notes. He is praised as a leader in the development of behavioral risk reduction interventions because he has directed this field to examine HIV from new angles. He has published more than 200 peer-reviewed articles, and the ICI Web of Science chose him as one of the 200 most cited researchers in the social sciences across several years.

The award letter also cites his work among the group of scientists who built the Center on LGBT Health Research: “[I]t has now become one of the leading centers for the study of LGBT health disparities in the world, and home to the only T32 training program from the National Institutes of Health” that focuses on HIV prevention among men who have sex with men, a group that now suffers approximately two-thirds of all new HIV infections in the U.S. “A caring mentor who pushes his students to their greatest potential, you share not only insight, but include your students as authors and co-authors in the majority of your LGBT Health Research Center papers.”

One of the support letters for Stall’s nomination states that “Ron is not only an outstanding scientist, who has had a major global impact on the fields of HIV and LGBT health through his research program, his impact has also been felt through the work of students, colleagues and researchers around the world who have been inspired by this vision.”

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