
JHF Health Innovators Fellowship Application

The deadline for graduate students to apply to the Jewish Healthcare Foundation’s (JHF) and Health Careers Futures’ (HCF) QI2T Health Innovators Fellowship has been extended to Thursday, December 17, 2015. The QI2T Health Innovators Fellowship is designed both as a competition and a learning experience for young entrepreneurs and graduate students interested in the intersection of health and technology. The goal is for Fellows to form a functional team, work in multi-disciplinary teams with clinical and entrepreneurial mentors, and develop and pitch disruptive technology ideas to improve a health problem for an opportunity to win $5,000. The Fellowship includes seven sessions on Tuesdays from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., starting on January 19th and ending on April 19th, at the QI2T Center (650 Smithfield Street, Suite 2600, Pittsburgh, PA 15222). Online Application due 12/17/15: 


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