
Trevor Orchard appointed Distinguished Professor at the University of Pittsburgh

I am delighted to announce that Trevor Orchard, MD, M.Med.Sci. has been appointed to the rank of Distinguished Professor at the University of Pittsburgh.
Professor Orchard is a preeminent researcher and international leader in the epidemiology, prevention and treatment of diabetes. Of Professor Orchard’s many scientific accomplishments, one of the most important is his rich longitudinal characterization of type 1 diabetes in the Pittsburgh Epidemiology of Diabetes Complications Study. He launched this project over 29 years ago, building on a registry of patients with type 1 diabetes established at the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, conducting biennial clinical and laboratory examinations for several hundred participants with type 1 diabetes. The project has revealed some of the reasons for the very high cardiovascular risk in individuals with Type 1 diabetes. Professor Orchard’s Epidemiology of Diabetes Complications Study was awarded MERIT status by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 2009 and recently extended for another five years. MERIT status recognizes researchers who have demonstrated superior competence and outstanding productivity in their research endeavors. The groundwork established by the Epidemiology of Diabetes Complications Study by Professor Orchard here in Pittsburgh was a forerunner to the long term follow up of   the large international  Diabetes Control and Complications Clinical Trial called the Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications. He is also one of the architects of studies designed to improve the prevention of type 2 diabetes, including the Diabetes Prevention Program , a national clinical trial that demonstrated that type 2 diabetes can be prevented by either  lifestyle intervention or  medications.
Professor Orchard has received numerous awards. He was the recipient of a Special Emphasis Research Career Award from The NIH (1980-1985); the Kelly West Award from the American Diabetes Association (1993); Charles Best Medal (Awarded to members of the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial) (1994); George Lukin's Award, American Diabetes Association, PA Affiliate (1996); Pitt Innovator Award, University of Pittsburgh Office of the Provost and Office of Technology Management (2008); and the Stanley Wallach Lectureship Award, American College of Nutrition (2010). He was recognized with Provost’s Award for Mentorship in 2014 for his contributions to teaching. His service to the University, the Department and the research community has been exceptional. In addition to serving on many committees, he has twice served as Interim Chair of the Department of Epidemiology (2002-03 and 2008-10). Given his prominence in the field, it is not surprising to see that he is frequently called upon to serve on the advisory committees for other studies, NIH review panels, review and consensus panels for the American Heart Association and the American Diabetes Association. He is a frequent journal reviewer and is currently serves on the editorial board for Diabetic Medicine and is a past associate editor of Diabetes Care. He served the American Diabetes Association as Epidemiology Council Chairman from 1989-91
In addition to his service in academics, Professor Orchard has extended his service globally. Recognizing that the important advances in the management of type 1 diabetes have not been realized world-wide, he has taken a lead role in the development of an international program designed to extend care to developing countries, called Life for a Child. For the last 8 years, Professor Orchard has been assisting local leaders with the development of diabetes care in Rwanda and conducted a clinical trial of a new care system. This program continues through the efforts of Professor Orchard and his students, providing MPH students with practicum opportunities in Rwanda.
Throughout his career, Professor Orchard has sustained the highest possible level of productivity in all areas of research, teaching and service.  He richly deserves this recognition as being among the highest echelon of the faculty at The University of Pittsburgh. 
Please join me in congratulating Professor Orchard on being appointed to the rank of Distinguished Professor. He will be giving a Provost’s Lecture to mark this appointment at a future date.


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