Zoé Mistrale Hendrickson

  • Associate Professor, Director of MPH/PhD joint anthropology degree
  • Faculty in Behavioral and Community Health Sciences

Contributions to Public Health

  • As a social and behavioral scientist, I explore how geographic mobility, gender inequity, and other social and infrastructural determinants of health influence access to care, social and work environments, and healthcare utilization for people globally, particularly structurally marginalized populations. This ranges from efforts to understand how mobility among women who exchange sex around the world affects health, to community engaged work in the US South to improve diversity and inclusion in clinical trials research.
    • Hendrickson, Z. M., Tomko, C., Galai, N., Sisson, L. N., Glick, J. L., & Sherman, S. G. (2023). A Longitudinal Analysis of Residential Mobility and Experience of Client Violence Among Women Who Exchange Sex in Baltimore. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38(19–20), 11017–11045.
    • Underwood, C.R., Casella, A., & Hendrickson, Z.M. (2023). Gender Norms, Contraceptive Use, and Intimate Partner Violence: A six-country analysis. Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, 100815.
  • I integrate innovative participatory and qualitative and mixed methods research methodologies to improve health research and practice. This ranges from 1) arts-informed methods to explore abortion self-care in Pittsburgh to 2) mixed methods investigations of how people talk about climate change with their social networks to 3) the development of innovative qualitative mapping techniques to understand geographic mobility among women who exchange sex or geospatial stigma among men who have sex with men in Baltimore.
    • Hendrickson, Z., De Jesus, M., Barrington, C., Cole, S.W., Kennedy, C.E., Sisson, L.N., Uzzi, M.,  Donastorg, Y., Perez, M., Gomez, H., Mbwambo, J., Likindikoki, S., Kerrigan, D.L. (2024). “You know that we travel a lot”: Mobility narratives among female sex workers living with HIV in Tanzania and the Dominican Republic. PLOS Global Public Health. In press.
    • Latkin, C., Dayton, L., Winiker, A., Countess, K., Hendrickson, Z.M. (2024). ‘They talk about the weather, but no one does anything about it’: A mixed methods study of everyday climate change conversations. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21(3), 279.
  • I have served as the principal investigator on numerous social and behavior change interventions in West, Central, and East Africa as well as South Asia designed to improve access to and utilization of sexual and reproductive healthcare, maternal healthcare, and HIV prevention and treatment. These interventions are informed by rigorous formative research as well as social and behavioral theory and range from capacity strengthening programs to small- and large-scale health communication programs. 
    • Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (alphabetically: Carmen Cronin, Zoé Mistrale Hendrickson (PI), Nandita Kapadia-Kundu, and Timothy Werwie). (2021). A mixed methods study of preterm births in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and Mali: An investigation of individual, household, and community-level factors that influence risk factors for and experiences of preterm birth in three settings. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs.
    • Hendrickson, Z.M., Naugle, D.A., Tibbels, N., Dosso, A., Van Lith, L.M., Mallalieu, E.C., Kamara, D., Dailly-Ajavon, P., Cisse, A., Seifert-Ahanda, K., Thaddeus, S., Babalola, S., and Hoffmann, C.J. (2019). “You take medications, you live normally”: The role of antiretroviral therapy in mitigating men’s perceived threats of HIV in Côte d’Ivoire. AIDS & Behavior. 23(9), 2600-2609. doi: 10.1007/s10461-019-02614-5.
  • Throughout my work, teaching and mentorship are a central way through which I work towards equity and impact. I center community engagement not only in my approaches to research and practice, but also through my teaching and mentorship. My courses are designed to foster critical reflection on power and inequity and facilitate students’ engagement with communities in which they live and work.
  • I have built collaborations and formed partnerships between researchers, health facilities, regional health departments, and ministries of health to integrate capacity strengthening with rigorous research, program implementation, and evaluation. Inequitable access to public health research is widespread, and I have developed analysis briefs, toolkits, and guidelines that are widely accessible, endorsed by, and used by colleagues and governmental stakeholders around the world to increase the sustainable impact of my work.

August 2017 | Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore MD | PhD | Social and Behavioral Sciences
May 2011 | Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA | BA | Sociology/Anthropology, Biology


BCHS 2554 Introduction to Community Health