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Pitt research finds antibody that could prevent bird flu

University of Pittsburgh, and National Institutes of Health researchers shared promising results on a groundbreaking antibody treatment they gave to monkeys. KDKA's Jessica Guay spoke with Simon Barratt-Boyes professor of infectious diseases and microbiology.

Samar R El Khoudary

Keeping your heart and waist healthy during menopause

“We were able to identify the time point at which women start to accumulate that fat in the abdomen. In particular, women start to accumulate two years before their final menstrual period,” said Professor of Epidemiology and Vice Chair for Education Samar R El Khoudary.

Illustration of antibodies surrounding a virus particle.

Antibody treatment prevents severe bird flu in monkeys

“This antibody is targeting a region that does not vary across different influenza viruses,” says Simon Barratt-Boyes, professor of infectious diseases and microbiology.