
A Conversation with BCHS MPH student Monica Henderson


Monica Henderson's current research interests center on the decades-long policing and discrimination of afro-textured hair and how the politics of beauty standards and care have influenced the physical activity levels of Black girls and women. 

What are you passionate about? 

Exploring what liberation means. I am constantly working to raise my awareness of many issues of oppression and its intersection with race, class, ability, sex, and gender. I love relearning history in a truthful, systems-focused lens apart from eurocentrism and patriarchal views. Lastly, I seek to support the rebuilding of society in a way that creates an equitable, just, and safe space for all. 

What is your favorite podcast/app/book/song/show to binge? 

Code Switch from NPR. The hosts are wonderful and unapologetically dive into conversations about race and racism. Usually, in reference to current events, they unpack and call out systemic injustice, White-supremacy, colonization, and a White-washed "American" history. 

How do you amuse yourself outside of school? 

I like to run (at an I-can-still-breathe-pace), listen to podcasts, snuggle with my dog, or listen to some musical theatre. Most recently, I've become obsessed with jigsaw puzzles. The 1,000-piece puzzles are the best! 


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