
Alysse Littleberry, Reducing Recidivism at Bethlehem Haven's Emergency Shelter


Alysse Litteberry, MSW/MPH in BCHS in April 2019

"After hearing about the journeys of women and spending time at the shelter, homelessness to me seems like the intersection of all social problems: poverty, mental illness, underinsurance, domestic violence, substance abuse... I feel very motivated to help these women, but I also feel like my work will never be done. I think after this experience, I am more motivated to work towards alleviating these problems in my career. Even if I can't 'solve' homelessness, I think I have the power to make things a little better for some people." 

Littleberry's project was Reducing Recidivism at Bethlehem Haven's Emergency Shelter in which she created an internal report and documents for staff to use with clients. 

More on the practicum at Pitt Public Health...


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