
Chemo Was My Friend - The Power of Positive Thinking

Living life to the fullest is sometimes difficult when we are raising children, caring for parents, going to school, and/or working long hours. Our lives become even more complicated when we have to deal with health problems, whether the problems affect us directly or those we love. Learning to live our lives like there is no tomorrow, can be quite challenging.

“Chemo Was My Friend,” published in August 2010, is a true story of a person who battled cancer and, despite many obstacles, maintained a positive attitude. Her story includes her life before cancer, the diagnosis and surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, life after chemotherapy, and helpful tips to stay positive. The booklet also includes information on keeping a personal journal and organizing medical care for doctors’ appointments.


Book Reviewer Comments:
“After reading ’Chemo Was My Friend,’ I realized that you don\'t have to have had cancer to benefit from reading the story.” CG

“The message was very powerful. I want to pass this on to my friend who is currently going through chemotherapy.” MM

“It would be very helpful if we could provide this booklet in the waiting room of the clinic.” JK

If you are interested in obtaining a copy of the booklet, please contact Constance M. Bayles, PhD, author, in the Department of Epidemiology, GSPH, at 412-624-3122 or at The author’s wish is to provide this booklet free of charge to people in the community and that they, in turn, pass it on to those who may benefit by reading her story.


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