
Baric co-founder of public health NGO in Peru


Alumna KATIE BARIC (BCHS ’17) is co-founder of the NGO Hands on Peru. She reports that “in June alone, we hosted 11 international volunteers, 9 health campaigns, and served 140 patients!&drquo;

Hands on Peru is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit with an international commitment to improving access to medical care for disempowered and marginalized populations in Trujillo, Peru, and its surrounding areas. We deeply recognize the importance of cultural exchange and global awareness of such public health needs in low and middle income countries, and we work to fill those gaps through the use of international medical volunteers. We hope to inspire all of our 100+ volunteers to return to low income countries to give service as their careers later develop.

The HOP Volunteer Center for Public Health (CESAPU) aims to reduce incidence of both communicable and chronic disease in Huanchaco, Peru, through education of disease risk factors, increasing access to basic health check-ups, and promoting healthy lifestyles in the poor community of Caserío Los Angeles (Huanchaquito - Peru) to ultimately improve the general wellbeing of the community.

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