
Two BCHS postdoctoral fellows received University of Pittsburgh CTSI CEED awards for 2014-15.

The Career Education and Enhancement for Health Care Research Diversity (CEED) Program is designed for University of Pittsburgh faculty members and postdoctoral fellows who are from underrepresented minority groups. The goal of the program is to help trainees successfully compete for early career development awards by providing them with intensive training in grant writing, preparation of publications, mentoring, and development of leadership and management skills.

Laura Macia
Project: Por La Familia: IPV primary prevention for Latino communities
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a priority for the World Health Organization, and represents an area of health disparity for minorities. Latinos in particular suffer more serious forms of IPV, and are more likely to experience poor mental health outcomes after victimization. In the upcoming year I expect to develop an assessment of Latinos’ intimate relationship beliefs and perceptions as formative research to develop culturally appropriate IPV primary prevention interventions that address the needs of this population. My goal is to provide a rich description of norms and social expectations of intimate relationships among Latino men and women from two national origins: Mexico and Puerto Rico. My specific aims are to: (1) identify strengths and vulnerabilities in Latino intimate relationships, and (2) identify differences in how relationships are characterized across Latino national origin and gender.

Derrick Matthews
Project: Promoting HIV care retention among Black MSM
Patient / health systems navigation interventions have generally been evaluated to be quite successful at retaining individuals in care for a variety of health outcomes, and may hold unrealized promise to foster HIV care retention for HIV-positive Black MSM. However, the multiple stigmas associated with HIV infection for Black MSM necessitate intervention adaptation; HIV stigma is so powerful it can preclude individuals from serving as or accessing in-person navigation services. My project seeks to export the functional components of these navigation interventions in an online format that incorporates culturally appropriate elements poised to bypass or reduce this stigma. By creating an easily disseminated electronic intervention, my goal is to bolster the care retention rate for HIV-positive Black MSM, promote better clinical outcomes, and in turn also limit future HIV transmission.


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